ChatGPT in ESL Education - Kwang Hee Hong 지음
ChatGPT in ESL Education

저자 : Kwang Hee Hong

발행일 : 2025년 01월 17일 출간

분류 : 인문학 > 언어학 > 언어학일반 > 언어학이론 KDC : 언어(740)

정가 : 18,000원

신간안내문 : 다운받기

출판사 주소
경북 경산시 대학로 280
152 * 225 mm


인문학 > 언어학 > 언어학일반 > 언어학이론


ChatGPT in ESL Education: From CALL 3.0 toward CALL 4.0 or on the edge of the event horizon of an AI black hole? ChatGPT, or generative AI, emerging from advancements in science and digital technology, fascinates both ESL teachers and learners with its unprecedented performance. Meanwhile, there is a growing tendency among scientists and educators not merely to view it as a machine under the control of Homo sapiens, but as a potential new species with intelligence that could pose a threat to humanity. Despite a range of prior studies on ChatGPT or other AI variants in ESL education, focusing primarily on practical applications, there remains a lack of concern regarding fundamental issues associated with their use by ESL teachers and learners (e.g., how it produces the English language and how it should be considered in ESL education). The primary aim of this book is to explore and address the fundamental issues related to ChatGPT from the perspectives of ESL professionals, seeking to better understand ChatGPT and to consider ways to effectively employ it in ESL instruction. To this end, the book adopts the following approaches: (1) tracing the evolutionary development of AI and exploring ChatGPT’s mechanisms and features relevant to ESL instruction; and (2) providing a historical overview of CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) in ESL and examining AI’s potential role in both ESL and CALL.


Kwang Hee Hong Kwang Hee Hong holds a Ph.D. from Ohio State University in second language education. He is a professor in the Department of English Education at Yeungnam University, Korea. As a researcher and author, he specializes in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), L2 education, and quantitative research methods in applied linguistics, with publications in journals such as CALICO, ReCALL, English Language Teaching, and Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning. His research interests include L2 learners’ motivation, CALL, and CALL teacher education. Recently, his focus has expanded to exploring the integration of AI into language education. He serves as Vice-President of Research and Development for Korea Association of Teachers of English (KATE) and as Editor-in-Chief of a quarterly academic journal, English Language Teaching, published by Pan-Korea English Teachers Association (PKETA).


Acknowledgements Preface Introduction Chapter 1 The Chronicles of AI: Turing, Perceptron, and Deep Learning Chapter 2 Innerspace Chapter 3 Homo sapiens and Machina sapiens Chapter 4 Il buono, Il brutoo, Il cattivo Chapter 5 AI and ESL Education: From CALL 3.0 toward CALL 4.0? Conclusion References Appendix Index
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